The first and most important step in writing a personal narrative is to choose a topic that is unique to you. The key to your essay is your perspective. If you choose a boring topic that is boring for you to write about, then your essay will be boring to read. One purpose of a personal narrative is to reveal something about yourself, who you are, what you believe, or what is important to you. You should allow your reader to gain some insight into yourself, while not overwhelming your reader by attempting to reveal everything all at once.
Steps to completing the narrative:
1. Choose three (3) essay topics from the provided list.
2. On the next page, free write about each topic for 3 minutes. This will be the first phase of your brainstorming.
3. After completing the 9 minutes of free writing, go back and read what you have written and then decide which topic would make the most interesting essay. At this time you must commit to 1 of the 3 essay topics.
4. For the second phase of brainstorming, you will be completing a Bubble Cluster graphic organizer.
5. After completing both phases of brainstorming, you will then be prepared to create a formal outline for your essay.