15-Sentence Portrait
This week you must complete the 15-Sentence Portrait for your Weekly Writing #5.
You will write a portrait, following specific directions.
Following these prompts keeps you from directing your observations in familiar, perhaps predictable, ways.
You will not mention the topic in your writing.
For a title, choose an emotion or a color that represents the topic.
Sentence 1: Choose one (1) of the following and complete the sentence:
I stand there...
No one is here...
In this (memory, photography, dream, or whatever)...
I think sometimes...
We had been...
After your first sentence, build a portrait, writing the sentences according to the following directions:
Sentence 2: Write a sentence with a color in it
Sentence 3: Write a sentence with a part of the body in it (school appropriate)
Sentence 4: Write a sentence with a simile
Sentence 5: Write a sentence with over twenty-five words
Sentence 6: Write a sentence the contains less than eight words
Sentence 7: Write a sentence with a piece of clothing in it
Sentence 8: Write a sentence with a wish in it
Sentence 9: Write a sentence with an animal in it
Sentence 10: Write a sentence in which three (3) or more words alliterate
Sentence 11: Write a sentence with two (2) commas in it
Sentence 12: Write a sentence with a smell or a color in it
Sentence 13: Write a sentence with a metaphor
Sentence 14: Write a sentence with a thought that could carry an exclamation point (but don't use an
exclamation point
Sentence 15: Write a sentence with a thought to end this portrait that uses the word or words you
chose for a title
You will write a portrait, following specific directions.
Following these prompts keeps you from directing your observations in familiar, perhaps predictable, ways.
You will not mention the topic in your writing.
For a title, choose an emotion or a color that represents the topic.
Sentence 1: Choose one (1) of the following and complete the sentence:
I stand there...
No one is here...
In this (memory, photography, dream, or whatever)...
I think sometimes...
We had been...
After your first sentence, build a portrait, writing the sentences according to the following directions:
Sentence 2: Write a sentence with a color in it
Sentence 3: Write a sentence with a part of the body in it (school appropriate)
Sentence 4: Write a sentence with a simile
Sentence 5: Write a sentence with over twenty-five words
Sentence 6: Write a sentence the contains less than eight words
Sentence 7: Write a sentence with a piece of clothing in it
Sentence 8: Write a sentence with a wish in it
Sentence 9: Write a sentence with an animal in it
Sentence 10: Write a sentence in which three (3) or more words alliterate
Sentence 11: Write a sentence with two (2) commas in it
Sentence 12: Write a sentence with a smell or a color in it
Sentence 13: Write a sentence with a metaphor
Sentence 14: Write a sentence with a thought that could carry an exclamation point (but don't use an
exclamation point
Sentence 15: Write a sentence with a thought to end this portrait that uses the word or words you
chose for a title