Learning Pod Discussions
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Task #1
Download the Learning Pod Norms
Discuss within your pod
The Recorder types on the document
Upload the document to HE2 Dropbox Folder (inside your Learning Pod # folder)
Task #2
Download the Julius Caesar Act One Scene 1-3 Document (found in the Julius Caesar
Documents folder in Dropbox).
Discuss the questions in your pod.
The Recorder types on the document.
Upload the document to HE2 Dropbox Folder (inside your Learning Pod # folder)
Establish Norms
Norms determine the way in which groups solve problems,
make decisions and do their work. They influence interactions
between members and set parameters of acceptable behaviors.
The groups need “rules” to help them work together to not
only deal with difficult issues in an objective and consistent
way, but also to confirm what each member will do in the
class to make the team succeed.
Your group norms should be your own. Work collaboratively
to set the norms that will help your group function in a
professional manner. Consider the following:
How will we encourage everyone’s participation?
What is considered confidential?
What can be shared with other students in this class?
What can be shared with students not in this class?
Decision Making
How will decisions be made?
How will we deal with conflicts when making decisions?
How will we encourage listening?
How will we discourage interrupting?
Meeting Time
What is the procedure for starting class?
What is the procedure for ending class?
How much time should be allotted at the end of class to wrap up discussion
and have the necessary files uploaded to Dropbox before class ends?
Upload your Learning Pod Norms to the HE2 Dropbox Folder before the end of the hour today.
Task #2--Role Assignments
* Facilitator
-facilitates the discussion
-makes sure all voices are heard
* Recorder
-records the answers to the discussion questions
-records key points of the discussion to share with the class
-posts the discussion questions/answers in the HE2 Dropbox
-sends the discussion questions and answers to each
Learning Pod member so that he/she can upload
the document to their Dropbox folders
* Timekeeper
-monitors discussion
-keeps the group focused and moving forward
-monitors start and end time
* Reporter
-reviews norms at the start of each Learning Pod discussion
-reviews the answers
-acts as the liaison between the Learning Pod and the teacher
-acts as the spokesperson for the Learning Pod by sharing info.
Task #1
Download the Learning Pod Norms
Type on the document
Upload it to HE2 Dropbox Folder inside your Learning Pod # folder
Download the Julius Caesar Act One Scene 1-3 Document (found in the Julius Caesar
Documents folder in Dropbox).
Discuss the questions in your group