Tuesday, May 14, 2013
You need to place five (5) writings in your Portfolio
two (2) Five-Minute writings
Personal Narrative Essay
one (1) Weekly Writing
one (1) Poem
Task #2 Move all the files, photos, and videos from your
laptop to a flash drive, Dropbox, or My Big Campus
Task #3 Where I'm From iMovie Videos
1. Title of Poem
2. Your Name
3. Images, People, and Places that illustrate your poem
4. Settings: the places where the major parts of your poem take place
5. Background Music to Create the Mood of the Poem (school appropriate lyrics)
6. Fonts that are attractive and easily read
7. Eight or more Frames with Transitions in between
8. Credits: Places, Friends, and Family who appear in your movie;
Song(s) and Artist(s) used for background music
9. Your iMovie Video needs to be ready for viewing at the
beginning of class onThursday, May 16th.
Hailey Paulsen is our mantel expert. Her video will serve as the exemplar for this project.
Monday, May 13, 2013

Task #1 You must complete the last Weekly Writing before you
leave class TODAY (by 1:20 p.m.).
You need to place five (5) writings in your Portfolio
two (2) Five-Minute writings
Personal Narrative Essay
one (1) Weekly Writing
one (1) Poem
Task #3 Move all the files, photos, and videos from your
laptop to a flash drive, Dropbox, or My Big Campus
leave class TODAY (by 1:20 p.m.).
You need to place five (5) writings in your Portfolio
two (2) Five-Minute writings
Personal Narrative Essay
one (1) Weekly Writing
one (1) Poem
Task #3 Move all the files, photos, and videos from your
laptop to a flash drive, Dropbox, or My Big Campus
Monday, may 6 - Friday, May 10, 2013
The following tasks must be completed this week: (note the deadlines)
Weekly Writing (due Friday at 1:20 p.m. in the Dropbox POLISHED PIECES folder)
To Kill a Mockingbird Summative Assessment (due Wednesday at 1:20 p.m.)
Create a new folder in Dropbox titled Poetry
Poetic Entry #1
Where I'm From poem (due by the start of Tuesday's class)
The template for Where I'm From is located on the My Big Campus
Honors English 2 page under the Resources tab. You will also find the
scoring guide and poem exemplars under the Resources tab.
The poem must be typed in Times New Roman 12 pt. font. It also must be
in MLA format.
Poetic Entry #2
Epitaph (due by the start of Wednesday's class)
An epitaph is a commemorative inscription on a tomb or mortuary monument
written in praise, or reflecting the life, of a deceased person.
You will write an epitaph for ONE of the following:
a loved one who is deceased
Julius Caesar
Lenny (Of Mice and Men)
Curly's Wife (Of Mice and Men)
Candy's dog (Of Mice and Men)
Tom Robinson (To Kill a Mockingbird)
Bob Ewell (To Kill a Mockingbird)
The poem must be typed in Times New Roman 12 pt. font and in MLA format.
Poetic Entry #3
Rhymes (due at the start of Thursday's class)
Rhymes are types of poems which have the repetition of the same or similar
sounds at the end of two or more words most often at the ends of lines.
This technique makes the poem easy to remember and is therefore often used
in Nursery Rhymes. Using this effectively would earn a score of 30--Proficient.
There are several derivatives of the term rhyme which include Double rhyme,
Triple rhyme, Falling rhyme, Perfect and Imperfect rhymes. Using one of these
derivatives effectively would earn a score of 40--Advanced.
Poetic Entry #4 (due at the start of class Friday)
You choose the type of poem.
Poetic Entry #5 (due at the start of class Friday)
You choose the type of poem.
Weekly Writing (due Friday at 1:20 p.m. in the Dropbox POLISHED PIECES folder)
To Kill a Mockingbird Summative Assessment (due Wednesday at 1:20 p.m.)
Create a new folder in Dropbox titled Poetry
Poetic Entry #1
Where I'm From poem (due by the start of Tuesday's class)
The template for Where I'm From is located on the My Big Campus
Honors English 2 page under the Resources tab. You will also find the
scoring guide and poem exemplars under the Resources tab.
The poem must be typed in Times New Roman 12 pt. font. It also must be
in MLA format.
Poetic Entry #2
Epitaph (due by the start of Wednesday's class)
An epitaph is a commemorative inscription on a tomb or mortuary monument
written in praise, or reflecting the life, of a deceased person.
You will write an epitaph for ONE of the following:
a loved one who is deceased
Julius Caesar
Lenny (Of Mice and Men)
Curly's Wife (Of Mice and Men)
Candy's dog (Of Mice and Men)
Tom Robinson (To Kill a Mockingbird)
Bob Ewell (To Kill a Mockingbird)
The poem must be typed in Times New Roman 12 pt. font and in MLA format.
Poetic Entry #3
Rhymes (due at the start of Thursday's class)
Rhymes are types of poems which have the repetition of the same or similar
sounds at the end of two or more words most often at the ends of lines.
This technique makes the poem easy to remember and is therefore often used
in Nursery Rhymes. Using this effectively would earn a score of 30--Proficient.
There are several derivatives of the term rhyme which include Double rhyme,
Triple rhyme, Falling rhyme, Perfect and Imperfect rhymes. Using one of these
derivatives effectively would earn a score of 40--Advanced.
Poetic Entry #4 (due at the start of class Friday)
You choose the type of poem.
Poetic Entry #5 (due at the start of class Friday)
You choose the type of poem.
monday, april 29, 2013
Block Schedule--6th hour 1:24 - 3:00 p.m.
English II End of Course Exam--Session I Multiple Choice
English II End of Course Exam--Session I Multiple Choice
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Block Schedule--6th hour 1:24 - 3:00 p.m.
English II End of Course Exam--Session II Performance Event (writing)
English II End of Course Exam--Session II Performance Event (writing)
friday, april 26, 2013
10-15 minutes into today's class, Mrs. Wetzig will be in to show you how to use the EOC tools on the icon located on your laptops.
Be courteous. Pay attention and listen intently. TODAY is the only day to learn this, as you test on Monday. Ask questions if you do not understand.
Mrs. Wetzig will also be taking you through the performance event (Wednesday's portion of the EOC). Again, pay close attention and do as she directs you.
Because of the EOC preparation you must complete today, I am delaying the discussion due dates for the remaining chapters in To Kill a Mockingbird until Sunday, April 28, 2013.
15-Sentence Portrait Writing is still due TODAY at 11 p.m. in the Polished Pieces Dropbox folder.
Be courteous. Pay attention and listen intently. TODAY is the only day to learn this, as you test on Monday. Ask questions if you do not understand.
Mrs. Wetzig will also be taking you through the performance event (Wednesday's portion of the EOC). Again, pay close attention and do as she directs you.
Because of the EOC preparation you must complete today, I am delaying the discussion due dates for the remaining chapters in To Kill a Mockingbird until Sunday, April 28, 2013.
15-Sentence Portrait Writing is still due TODAY at 11 p.m. in the Polished Pieces Dropbox folder.
thursday, april 25, 2013
To Kill a Mockingbird My Big Campus Discussion over Chapters 23-28 due by 11 p.m. TODAY
Read Chapters 29-31 by Friday
15-Sentence Portrait Writing is due Friday at 11 p.m. in the Polished Pieces Dropbox folder
Read Chapters 29-31 by Friday
15-Sentence Portrait Writing is due Friday at 11 p.m. in the Polished Pieces Dropbox folder
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
To Kill a Mockingbird My Big Campus Discussion over Chapters 20-22 due by 11 p.m. TODAY
Read Chapters 23-28 by Thursday
15-Sentence Portrait Writing is due Friday at 11 p.m. in the Polished Pieces Dropbox folder
Read Chapters 23-28 by Thursday
15-Sentence Portrait Writing is due Friday at 11 p.m. in the Polished Pieces Dropbox folder
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
To Kill a Mockingbird My Big Campus Discussion over Chapters 23-25 due by 11 p.m. TODAY
Read Chapters 20-22 by Wednesday
15-Sentence Portrait Writing is due Friday by 11 p.m. in the Polished Pieces Dropbox folder
Read Chapters 20-22 by Wednesday
15-Sentence Portrait Writing is due Friday by 11 p.m. in the Polished Pieces Dropbox folder
Thursday, April 18, 2013
To Kill a Mockingbird My Big Campus Discussion over Chapters 15-16 due by 1:20 p.m. TODAY
Read Chapters 17-19 by Tuesday
Polished Piece #14 or Weekly Writing #4 is due TODAY at 11 p.m. in the Polished Pieces Dropbox folder
Read Chapters 17-19 by Tuesday
Polished Piece #14 or Weekly Writing #4 is due TODAY at 11 p.m. in the Polished Pieces Dropbox folder
wednesday, april 17, 2013
To Kill a Mockingbird My Big Campus Discussion over Chapters 12-14 due by 1:20 p.m. TODAY
Read Chapters 15-16 by Thursday
Polished Piece #14 or Weekly Writing #4 is due this Thursday at 11 p.m. in the Polished Pieces Dropbox folder
Read Chapters 15-16 by Thursday
Polished Piece #14 or Weekly Writing #4 is due this Thursday at 11 p.m. in the Polished Pieces Dropbox folder
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
To Kill a Mockingbird My Big Campus Discussion over Chapters 10-11--due by 11 p.m. Tuesday, April 16
Read Chapters 12-14 by Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Polished Piece #14 or Weekly Writing #4 is due this Thursday at 1:20 p.m. in the Polished Pieces Dropbox folder
Read Chapters 12-14 by Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Polished Piece #14 or Weekly Writing #4 is due this Thursday at 1:20 p.m. in the Polished Pieces Dropbox folder
Monday, April 15, 2013
To Kill a Mockingbird My Big Campus Discussion over Chapters 8-9
Read Chapters 10-11 by Tuesday
Polished Piece #14 or Weekly Writing #4 is due this Thursday at 1:20 p.m. in the Polished Pieces Dropbox folder
Read Chapters 10-11 by Tuesday
Polished Piece #14 or Weekly Writing #4 is due this Thursday at 1:20 p.m. in the Polished Pieces Dropbox folder
Thursday, April 11, 2013
To Kill a Mockingbird My Big Campus Discussion over Chapters 6-7
Read Chapters 8-9 by Monday.
Read Chapters 8-9 by Monday.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
To Kill a Mockingbird My Big Campus Discussion over Chapters 4-5
Read Chapters 6-7 by Thursday.
Read Chapters 6-7 by Thursday.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
To Kill a Mockingbird My Big Campus Discussion over Chapters 1-3
Read Chapters 4-5 by Wednesday.
Read Chapters 4-5 by Wednesday.
Monday, april 8, 2013
Task #1 Review the three remaining commercials
Task #2 EOC Prep Packet #3
Task #3 To Kill a Mockingbird Anticipation Guide
Task #4 Weekly Writing #3 or Polished Piece #13 due THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 2013 by 1:20 p.m.
Task #5 Read Chapters 1, 2, and 3 in To Kill a Mockingbird
Tuesday you will be expected to post on all three chapters
Each My Big Campus post is a summative grade
The post needs to be made by 11 p.m. on Tuesday, April 9th
Task #2 EOC Prep Packet #3
Task #3 To Kill a Mockingbird Anticipation Guide
Task #4 Weekly Writing #3 or Polished Piece #13 due THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 2013 by 1:20 p.m.
Task #5 Read Chapters 1, 2, and 3 in To Kill a Mockingbird
Tuesday you will be expected to post on all three chapters
Each My Big Campus post is a summative grade
The post needs to be made by 11 p.m. on Tuesday, April 9th
Friday, April 5, 2013
Task #1 Be sure to upload your Weekly Writing #2 or Polished Piece #12 to the Polished Pieces Dropbox folder by 1:20 p.m. today.
Task #2 EOC Prep Packet #2 Informational Text
Task #3 oneword.com Complete one writing and upload it to Five-Minute Writing Dropbox folder
Task #2 EOC Prep Packet #2 Informational Text
Task #3 oneword.com Complete one writing and upload it to Five-Minute Writing Dropbox folder
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Task #1 Click the link below:
You’ll see one word at the top of the following screen.
You have sixty seconds to write about it.
Click go and the page will load with the cursor in place.
Don’t think. Just write.
Complete this task a minimum of three (3) times. Upload each of your writings to the Five-Minute Writing folder.
If your Polished Piece or Weekly Writing #2 is complete, feel free to write on oneword.com the remainder of the hour.
You can peruse these sites at your leisure (hopefully they are not blocked).
Task #2 REMEMBER--Polished Piece #12 or Weekly Writing #2 is due Friday, 4/5/2013
You’ll see one word at the top of the following screen.
You have sixty seconds to write about it.
Click go and the page will load with the cursor in place.
Don’t think. Just write.
Complete this task a minimum of three (3) times. Upload each of your writings to the Five-Minute Writing folder.
If your Polished Piece or Weekly Writing #2 is complete, feel free to write on oneword.com the remainder of the hour.
You can peruse these sites at your leisure (hopefully they are not blocked).
Task #2 REMEMBER--Polished Piece #12 or Weekly Writing #2 is due Friday, 4/5/2013
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Task #1 Review the remaining Commercials
Task #2 Informational Text EOC Practice #1
Task #3 REMEMBER--Polished Piece #12 or Weekly Writing #2 is due Friday, 4/5/2013
Task #2 Informational Text EOC Practice #1
Task #3 REMEMBER--Polished Piece #12 or Weekly Writing #2 is due Friday, 4/5/2013
Tuesday, april 2, 2013

Progress Ends THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 2013
Task #1 Continue Reviewing Commercials
Task #2 Quick Write regarding Standardized Testing
(copy and paste the questions below into a Word document)
Why do we have standardized-testing?
How does it benefit the student?
How does it benefit the teacher?
How does it benefit the school district?
Do you think the results of the test are a true representation of what you
know about the subject? Why or why not?
Do you think the results of the test should be tied to your subject/class grade?
Why or why not?
Task #1 Continue Reviewing Commercials
Task #2 Quick Write regarding Standardized Testing
(copy and paste the questions below into a Word document)
Why do we have standardized-testing?
How does it benefit the student?
How does it benefit the teacher?
How does it benefit the school district?
Do you think the results of the test are a true representation of what you
know about the subject? Why or why not?
Do you think the results of the test should be tied to your subject/class grade?
Why or why not?
Monday, april 1, 2013
Task #1 Choose to complete the Five-Minute Writing or the Weekly Writing
Task #2 Presentation of Commercials
Watch, Laugh, Critique
REMINDER: Progress ends Thursday, April 4, 2013
Task #2 Presentation of Commercials
Watch, Laugh, Critique
REMINDER: Progress ends Thursday, April 4, 2013
wednesday, March 27, 2013
For those of you who want to continue the Five-Minute Writing, the tab has returned.
The Weekly Writing is due by 1:20 p.m. Thursday, March 28, 2013
Your Commercial/Infomercial is due by 1:20 p.m. Thursday, March 28, 2013
The Weekly Writing is due by 1:20 p.m. Thursday, March 28, 2013
Your Commercial/Infomercial is due by 1:20 p.m. Thursday, March 28, 2013
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Task #1 Weekly Writing is due by 1:20 p.m. Thursday, March 28, 2013
Task #2 Your Commercial/Infomercial is due by 1:20 p.m. Thursday, March 28, 2013
Task #1 Weekly Writing is due by 1:20 p.m. Thursday, March 28, 2013
Task #2 Your Commercial/Infomercial is due by 1:20 p.m. Thursday, March 28, 2013
Monday, March 25, 2013
Task #1 Check out the new Weekly Writing tab
Task #2 Check out the Nasty-Gram List tab
Task #3 With your partner, work to complete the print ad for your product
(part three of the formative assessment)
Both of you need a copy of the print ad in your Dropbox folder
Task #4 Create a thirty-second commercial or infomercial for your product
* Focus on the appeal(s)--they should be evident
* You can use Photo Booth and iMovie to complete this project
* Your commercial or infomercial must be completed by:
Thursday, March 28, 2013 by 1:20 p.m.
* If you need help using the technology, ASK.
* Use your class time wisely to complete this task by the deadline.
* You must be granted permission to leave the room to film.
* Rules for leaving the classroom:
Act like you've been to town before
Do not be disruptive:
loud, laughing, talking, goofing around, etc.
Stay in the location in which you said you would be
No filming in the bathroom, the locker room, or any other
teacher's classroom
Task #2 Check out the Nasty-Gram List tab
Task #3 With your partner, work to complete the print ad for your product
(part three of the formative assessment)
Both of you need a copy of the print ad in your Dropbox folder
Task #4 Create a thirty-second commercial or infomercial for your product
* Focus on the appeal(s)--they should be evident
* You can use Photo Booth and iMovie to complete this project
* Your commercial or infomercial must be completed by:
Thursday, March 28, 2013 by 1:20 p.m.
* If you need help using the technology, ASK.
* Use your class time wisely to complete this task by the deadline.
* You must be granted permission to leave the room to film.
* Rules for leaving the classroom:
Act like you've been to town before
Do not be disruptive:
loud, laughing, talking, goofing around, etc.
Stay in the location in which you said you would be
No filming in the bathroom, the locker room, or any other
teacher's classroom
FRiday, March 22, 2013
Task #1 Polished Piece #10
Task #2 Finish Part 3--Persuasive Appeals Formative Assessment
Task #3 Begin planning the 30-second commercial for the
product you and your partner created
Task #2 Finish Part 3--Persuasive Appeals Formative Assessment
Task #3 Begin planning the 30-second commercial for the
product you and your partner created
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Task #1 Five-Minute Writing
Task #2 Persuasive Appeals Formative Assessment
Task #2 Persuasive Appeals Formative Assessment
Wednesday, march 20, 2013

The next round of learning pods will be
selected by you with a few rules created by me.
Here are the rules:
#1 Two guys and two girls per table
One guy and three girls per table
#2 You may not sit in the same location as you did this previous rotation
#3 Keep in mind that your pod will be revising and editing
your written work, critiquing your persuasive project, and
discussing the novel To Kill a Mockingbird.
Choose carefully!
#4 I reserve the right to change learning pod combinations at
any time if the pod is not learning or disrupts the learning environment.
You've met me. You know how I operate.
If I have to remove you from a learning pod, you will become
a learning pod of one--an island all to yourself.
If this should happen, you will be responsible for finding
other people outside of class time to revise and edit your
writing and to critique your persuasive project.
Additionally,the only discussions in which you would be
allowed to participate are the My Big Campus online
Task #1 Select your Learning Pods
Task #2 Five-Minute Writing
Task #3 Air Drop your three advertisements to the members
of your Learning Pod
Discuss which ads successfully use the appeals
Come to consensus on which ad best represents
Select a spokesperson who will present the three
ads to the class via the Promethean Board
Task #4 Listening respectively as each group presents the ads
Task #5 You will have a QUIZ on Thursday3/21
You will need to know:
each type of appeal
what it does
what makes it effective
be able to identify the appeal in a print ad and video
be able to write effectively using one of the appeals
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Task #1 Five-Minute Writing
Upload to Dropbox when complete
Task #2 Persuasive Appeals in Advertising
As you watch the videos, take note of the products and the appeals
Your notes will assist you in completing task #3
Task #3 Before you enter class tomorrow (Wed. 3/20/2013), you need to
find one (1) print ad and one (1) television commercial
for each type of appeal (Pathos, Ethos, Logos).
Hyperlink or embed the videos and print ads in a Word document.
Upload the document to your Persuasive Writing folder in Dropbox.
Upload to Dropbox when complete
Task #2 Persuasive Appeals in Advertising
As you watch the videos, take note of the products and the appeals
Your notes will assist you in completing task #3
Task #3 Before you enter class tomorrow (Wed. 3/20/2013), you need to
find one (1) print ad and one (1) television commercial
for each type of appeal (Pathos, Ethos, Logos).
Hyperlink or embed the videos and print ads in a Word document.
Upload the document to your Persuasive Writing folder in Dropbox.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Upload to the Polished Pieces folder
Task #2 Persuasive Writing Activity from yesterday
Take a second look at your essay or letter
Include repetition (remember the importance of the number three)
Include loaded language (words that have emotional attachment)
You can have a peer revise/edit your paper with you
Remember the title in your Dropbox folder is the first sentence I will
read so make it a good one!
Complete and upload to the Persuasive Writing folder
Persuasive writings that are not in your Dropbox folder by 3 p.m. will
be scored, but will not receive consideration for granting.
Task #3 Missing Work Update
Those of you who were missing work need to update me on what
has been completed and uploaded to Dropbox so that I can update
your grades in TeacherEase.
Task #4 TeacherEase Login Information
Brenda entered the email addresses you gave me on Monday.
She said you would receive an email with your username and password.
At some point in the hour today, I need you to login and show me
your TeacherEase screens. I will help you maneuver the new grade
book program.
Task #5 Project for the week of March 19-22, 2013
Next week we will be looking in depth at the types of appeals used in
When you have proven you are ready to apply your knowledge, you
will select a partner with which to work to create a commercial or
advertisement for a product you and your partner create.
The commercial/advertisement will be 30 seconds in length and
entail at least two of the three types of persuasive appeals.
Upload to the Polished Pieces folder
Task #2 Persuasive Writing Activity from yesterday
Take a second look at your essay or letter
Include repetition (remember the importance of the number three)
Include loaded language (words that have emotional attachment)
You can have a peer revise/edit your paper with you
Remember the title in your Dropbox folder is the first sentence I will
read so make it a good one!
Complete and upload to the Persuasive Writing folder
Persuasive writings that are not in your Dropbox folder by 3 p.m. will
be scored, but will not receive consideration for granting.
Task #3 Missing Work Update
Those of you who were missing work need to update me on what
has been completed and uploaded to Dropbox so that I can update
your grades in TeacherEase.
Task #4 TeacherEase Login Information
Brenda entered the email addresses you gave me on Monday.
She said you would receive an email with your username and password.
At some point in the hour today, I need you to login and show me
your TeacherEase screens. I will help you maneuver the new grade
book program.
Task #5 Project for the week of March 19-22, 2013
Next week we will be looking in depth at the types of appeals used in
When you have proven you are ready to apply your knowledge, you
will select a partner with which to work to create a commercial or
advertisement for a product you and your partner create.
The commercial/advertisement will be 30 seconds in length and
entail at least two of the three types of persuasive appeals.
Wednesday, march 13, 2013

Task #1 Five-Minute Writing
Task #2 Be sure your Dropbox files are moved to the new
Task #3 Create a new folder called Persuasive Writing
Task #4 Persuasion
Read the Home page
Select one of the persuasive appeals
Your task is to persuade me to...(choose one):
* allow three people to sit with you in your pod
* allow you to sit in one of the rolling chairs
for the next three weeks
* allow you to be exempt from the five-minute
writings for one week
* allow you to get lunch from me
* allow you to ... (keep it nice and legal)
Type your appeal in a Word document and upload
it to the new Dropbox folder called Persuasive
Writing by the end of the hour
Remember: good writing is like a mini-skirt--long enough to
cover it but short enough to keep it interesting.
Task #2 Be sure your Dropbox files are moved to the new
Task #3 Create a new folder called Persuasive Writing
Task #4 Persuasion
Read the Home page
Select one of the persuasive appeals
Your task is to persuade me to...(choose one):
* allow three people to sit with you in your pod
* allow you to sit in one of the rolling chairs
for the next three weeks
* allow you to be exempt from the five-minute
writings for one week
* allow you to get lunch from me
* allow you to ... (keep it nice and legal)
Type your appeal in a Word document and upload
it to the new Dropbox folder called Persuasive
Writing by the end of the hour
Remember: good writing is like a mini-skirt--long enough to
cover it but short enough to keep it interesting.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I created for each of you a folder labeled Your
Name--Honors English 2. Inside that folder you will
find nine (9) folders in which you will upload your
work for the remainder of this semester.
You will need to MOVE the documents you have already
completed into the new folders.
To move a file:
Click to the document you wish to move
Two finger click the document
Select MOVE
Click the plus next to Your Name--Honors English 2 file
Click the folder you want the document to go into
Ta Da...the file is moved!
Email me ([email protected]) if you have questions or need
MARCH 14, 2013.
I will be deleting the old folders during this four-day break so make
sure your have EVERYTHING moved to the new location. Thanks!
By Thursday, March 14, 2013
Polished Piece #9
Caesar Infographic--upload to Julius Caesar folder in Dropbox
Name--Honors English 2. Inside that folder you will
find nine (9) folders in which you will upload your
work for the remainder of this semester.
You will need to MOVE the documents you have already
completed into the new folders.
To move a file:
Click to the document you wish to move
Two finger click the document
Select MOVE
Click the plus next to Your Name--Honors English 2 file
Click the folder you want the document to go into
Ta Da...the file is moved!
Email me ([email protected]) if you have questions or need
MARCH 14, 2013.
I will be deleting the old folders during this four-day break so make
sure your have EVERYTHING moved to the new location. Thanks!
By Thursday, March 14, 2013
Polished Piece #9
Caesar Infographic--upload to Julius Caesar folder in Dropbox
Monday, March 11, 2013
Today is a Work Day. After the Five-Minute Writing, the following
work needs to be completed, uploaded, etc. by the end of the hour
today if you wish to improve your grade before Parent/Teacher
Conferences this evening:
Caesar Thematic Quotes Digital Portfolio
Baker 0—selected multiple images (late)
Derby 0—reflection needs to be reworked
Fennell unscorable—no reflection page
Sanborn 0—reflection did not answer all four questions late
Siegrist minor errors " " and periods
Stephens beware photo not above/beyond late
Stepp unscorable—Caesar spelled wrong
Turnbull spelling errors Fate page weak late
Wecker capitalize March late
Welch capitalize March
Wilson 0—only drew from Caesar photos late
Personal Narrative Essay
Millager MLA format still incorrect
Polished Piece Turned Essay #1
Baker MLA comma / Writing Crimes
Bodenhamer MLA spacing between paragraphs
Decker MLA part of header / no header
Fennell MLA / Writing Crimes
Haley MLA date
Millager MLA / Writing Crimes
Miller MLA / Writing Crimes
Naylor Not a polished piece
Numbers MLA / Writing Crimes
Parker MLA / Writing Crimes
Provost No Essay, just a plan for writing
Ryan MISSING due to Absence
Sanborn MLA / Writing Crimes
Siegrist MLA / Writing Crimes
Stephens MLA / Writing Crimes
Stepp MLA / Writing Crimes
Waggoner MLA
Wecker MLA
Welch MLA / Writing Crimes
Wheeler MLA / Writing Crimes
Willis MLA / Writing Crimes
Wilson MLA
Woodall Writing Crimes
Polished Piece #7 #8
Baker yes yes
Barclay yes yes (moved into her folder)
Bodenhamer yes yes
Decker yes no
Derby yes yes
Fennell yes yes
Haley yes yes
Millager yes yes
Miller yes yes
Naylor no no no #6
Numbers no no
Parker yes yes
Paulsen yes no
Provost yes yes
Ryan yes yes
Sanborn yes yes
Siegrist yes yes
Stephens yes yes
Stepp yes yes
Turnbull no no
Waggoner yes yes
Wecker yes yes
Welch no no
Wheeler yes yes
Willis yes yes
Wilson yes yes
Woodall yes yes
Analysis of Brutus' and Antony's Speeches
Baker NO
Barclay yes
Bodenhamer yes
Decker yes
Derby NO
Fennell yes
Haley yes
Millager yes
Miller yes
Naylor NO
Numbers yes
Parker yes
Paulsen yes
Provost yes
Ryan yes
Sanborn NO
Siegrist yes
Stephens yes
Stepp yes
Turnbull yes
Waggoner yes
Wecker yes
Welch NO
Wheeler yes
Willis NO
Wilson yes
Woodall yes
10 Facts about the Life of Julius Caesar
Baker NO
Barclay yes
Bodenhamer yes
Decker yes
Derby yes
Fennell yes
Haley yes
Millager yes
Miller yes
Naylor yes
Numbers yes
Parker yes
Paulsen yes
Provost yes
Ryan yes
Sanborn yes
Siegrist yes
Stephens yes
Stepp yes
Turnbull NO
Waggoner yes
Wecker yes
work needs to be completed, uploaded, etc. by the end of the hour
today if you wish to improve your grade before Parent/Teacher
Conferences this evening:
Caesar Thematic Quotes Digital Portfolio
Baker 0—selected multiple images (late)
Derby 0—reflection needs to be reworked
Fennell unscorable—no reflection page
Sanborn 0—reflection did not answer all four questions late
Siegrist minor errors " " and periods
Stephens beware photo not above/beyond late
Stepp unscorable—Caesar spelled wrong
Turnbull spelling errors Fate page weak late
Wecker capitalize March late
Welch capitalize March
Wilson 0—only drew from Caesar photos late
Personal Narrative Essay
Millager MLA format still incorrect
Polished Piece Turned Essay #1
Baker MLA comma / Writing Crimes
Bodenhamer MLA spacing between paragraphs
Decker MLA part of header / no header
Fennell MLA / Writing Crimes
Haley MLA date
Millager MLA / Writing Crimes
Miller MLA / Writing Crimes
Naylor Not a polished piece
Numbers MLA / Writing Crimes
Parker MLA / Writing Crimes
Provost No Essay, just a plan for writing
Ryan MISSING due to Absence
Sanborn MLA / Writing Crimes
Siegrist MLA / Writing Crimes
Stephens MLA / Writing Crimes
Stepp MLA / Writing Crimes
Waggoner MLA
Wecker MLA
Welch MLA / Writing Crimes
Wheeler MLA / Writing Crimes
Willis MLA / Writing Crimes
Wilson MLA
Woodall Writing Crimes
Polished Piece #7 #8
Baker yes yes
Barclay yes yes (moved into her folder)
Bodenhamer yes yes
Decker yes no
Derby yes yes
Fennell yes yes
Haley yes yes
Millager yes yes
Miller yes yes
Naylor no no no #6
Numbers no no
Parker yes yes
Paulsen yes no
Provost yes yes
Ryan yes yes
Sanborn yes yes
Siegrist yes yes
Stephens yes yes
Stepp yes yes
Turnbull no no
Waggoner yes yes
Wecker yes yes
Welch no no
Wheeler yes yes
Willis yes yes
Wilson yes yes
Woodall yes yes
Analysis of Brutus' and Antony's Speeches
Baker NO
Barclay yes
Bodenhamer yes
Decker yes
Derby NO
Fennell yes
Haley yes
Millager yes
Miller yes
Naylor NO
Numbers yes
Parker yes
Paulsen yes
Provost yes
Ryan yes
Sanborn NO
Siegrist yes
Stephens yes
Stepp yes
Turnbull yes
Waggoner yes
Wecker yes
Welch NO
Wheeler yes
Willis NO
Wilson yes
Woodall yes
10 Facts about the Life of Julius Caesar
Baker NO
Barclay yes
Bodenhamer yes
Decker yes
Derby yes
Fennell yes
Haley yes
Millager yes
Miller yes
Naylor yes
Numbers yes
Parker yes
Paulsen yes
Provost yes
Ryan yes
Sanborn yes
Siegrist yes
Stephens yes
Stepp yes
Turnbull NO
Waggoner yes
Wecker yes
thursday, march 7, 2013
NOTE: This weekend I will be creating a file bundle in Dropbox.
That means that each of you will have a folder labeled
with your name and HE2. Inside that folder you will
find these folders: Five-Minute Writing, Polished Pieces,
Essays, Julius Caesar, To Kill a Mockingbird, Informational
Text, End of Course Exam, and Etcetera.
Monday we will begin class by moving your current
work into the new folders. Please do NOT freak out if
you notice your Dropbox changing. All files will be safe!
Task #1 -- Polished Piece #8
See today's Five-Minute Writing tab for instructions
Upload to Dropbox Polished Pieces Folder
Task #2 -- Infographic
Since the infographic websites are not working as planned,
you will need to find an alternative in which
you will present your 10 Julius Caesar Facts. The idea is
to put the text into a visual that stimulates and entices
the reader--be visually pleasing and informative.
That means that each of you will have a folder labeled
with your name and HE2. Inside that folder you will
find these folders: Five-Minute Writing, Polished Pieces,
Essays, Julius Caesar, To Kill a Mockingbird, Informational
Text, End of Course Exam, and Etcetera.
Monday we will begin class by moving your current
work into the new folders. Please do NOT freak out if
you notice your Dropbox changing. All files will be safe!
Task #1 -- Polished Piece #8
See today's Five-Minute Writing tab for instructions
Upload to Dropbox Polished Pieces Folder
Task #2 -- Infographic
Since the infographic websites are not working as planned,
you will need to find an alternative in which
you will present your 10 Julius Caesar Facts. The idea is
to put the text into a visual that stimulates and entices
the reader--be visually pleasing and informative.
Monday- wedsday, March 4-6, 2013
Task #1 Five-Minute Writing
Upload to Dropbox
Task #2 See the HOME page
Be sure all assignments are complete by Wednesday
Task #3 Create a free account at www.visual.ly
Create an Infographic using the 10 Facts about
Julius Caesar's life that you listed last week.
Take another look at the five-minute writing
infographics. Those are exemplars for Task #3.
Upload to Dropbox
Task #2 See the HOME page
Be sure all assignments are complete by Wednesday
Task #3 Create a free account at www.visual.ly
Create an Infographic using the 10 Facts about
Julius Caesar's life that you listed last week.
Take another look at the five-minute writing
infographics. Those are exemplars for Task #3.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Task #1 Polished Piece #7
Step One: Re-Read ALL Your Five-Minute Writings, Select ONE piece that you can
expand to at least a HALF PAGE writing. Remember to write Descriptively or Narratively.
Step Two: Annotate Your Selected Five-Minute Writing Using All of the Following:
What do I like?
What are some words that I like?
Is there a sentence or a phrase that I like?
Where can I add sentences to make this a stronger piece?
Are there writing crimes? If so, eliminate them!
Can this piece of writing be developed into a solid essay? Why or why not?
Step Three: Spend 10-15 minutes polishing the five-minute writing you selected.
Step Four: Upload Your Polished Piece to the Polished Piece Folder in Dropbox. Use MLA
Task #2 Analysis of Antony's and Brutus' Speeches
Be sure that you have answered all the questions.
Upload your Word document into the Julius Caesar Documents folder
inside the Julius Caesar Documents folder (no, I did not stutter.
It is a folder inside a folder with the same name.). Be sure to create
a folder with your name and place your document in that folder.
If you are confused, ask around to see who has uploaded and receive
assistance from them.
Task #3 The Life of Julius Caesar
Use a search engine to find 10 facts about the life and death of Julius
Be sure to use credible websites (NOT WIKIPEDIA).
You will need to type your facts in a Word document.
You will need to include the URL from which you found you
Use MLA format on this document.
Upload your Word document in the folder you created inside the
Julius Caesar Documents folder.
Task #3 needs to be completed before 11 p.m. Friday, March 1.
Step One: Re-Read ALL Your Five-Minute Writings, Select ONE piece that you can
expand to at least a HALF PAGE writing. Remember to write Descriptively or Narratively.
Step Two: Annotate Your Selected Five-Minute Writing Using All of the Following:
What do I like?
What are some words that I like?
Is there a sentence or a phrase that I like?
Where can I add sentences to make this a stronger piece?
Are there writing crimes? If so, eliminate them!
Can this piece of writing be developed into a solid essay? Why or why not?
Step Three: Spend 10-15 minutes polishing the five-minute writing you selected.
Step Four: Upload Your Polished Piece to the Polished Piece Folder in Dropbox. Use MLA
Task #2 Analysis of Antony's and Brutus' Speeches
Be sure that you have answered all the questions.
Upload your Word document into the Julius Caesar Documents folder
inside the Julius Caesar Documents folder (no, I did not stutter.
It is a folder inside a folder with the same name.). Be sure to create
a folder with your name and place your document in that folder.
If you are confused, ask around to see who has uploaded and receive
assistance from them.
Task #3 The Life of Julius Caesar
Use a search engine to find 10 facts about the life and death of Julius
Be sure to use credible websites (NOT WIKIPEDIA).
You will need to type your facts in a Word document.
You will need to include the URL from which you found you
Use MLA format on this document.
Upload your Word document in the folder you created inside the
Julius Caesar Documents folder.
Task #3 needs to be completed before 11 p.m. Friday, March 1.
wednesday, february 27, 2013 -- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2013
Task #1 Five-Minute Writing
Upload to Dropbox when complete
Task #2 Learning Pod Discussions
Annotate and Analyze Brutus' speech and Marc Antony's speech
Repetition, Rhetorical Question, Pathos, Ethos, Logos
Upload to Dropbox when complete
Task #2 Learning Pod Discussions
Annotate and Analyze Brutus' speech and Marc Antony's speech
Repetition, Rhetorical Question, Pathos, Ethos, Logos
tuesday, February 26, 2013
Happy Snow Day!
Monday, february 25, 2013
Task #1 -- Five-Minute Writing
Upload to Dropbox
Task #2 -- Personal Narrative Conferences
Sign up on the white board
Task #3 -- Julius Caesar
Upload to Dropbox
Task #2 -- Personal Narrative Conferences
Sign up on the white board
Task #3 -- Julius Caesar
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Task #1 -- Five-Minute Writing
Complete the five-minute writing
Upload to Dropbox
Task #2 -- Turning a Polished Piece into an Essay
Re-read the six Polished Pieces you have completed.
Select one (1) to turn into either a Descriptive or Narrative Essay.
Devise a plan as to how you will elongate this piece.
Share your plan with Mrs. Harmon before beginning your essay.
Task #3 -- Conference with Mrs. Harmon about your Personal Narrative Essay
Conferences will take place this week (February 19-22) during Guided Study Hall (after
12 p.m.), during class, and after school.
See Mrs. Harmon's calendar and select a date.
Complete the five-minute writing
Upload to Dropbox
Task #2 -- Turning a Polished Piece into an Essay
Re-read the six Polished Pieces you have completed.
Select one (1) to turn into either a Descriptive or Narrative Essay.
Devise a plan as to how you will elongate this piece.
Share your plan with Mrs. Harmon before beginning your essay.
Task #3 -- Conference with Mrs. Harmon about your Personal Narrative Essay
Conferences will take place this week (February 19-22) during Guided Study Hall (after
12 p.m.), during class, and after school.
See Mrs. Harmon's calendar and select a date.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Task #1 -- Five-Minute Writing
Upload to Dropbox when complete.
Task #2 -- Turning a Polished Piece into an Essay
Finish your essay. Remember it needs to be narrative or descriptive.
When complete, Air Drop your essay to two classmates who will use the comment
feature in Word to provide feedback. This is your peer revision/editing process.
Be sure your essay is free of writing crimes.
Upload to Dropbox when complete.
Task #2 -- Turning a Polished Piece into an Essay
Finish your essay. Remember it needs to be narrative or descriptive.
When complete, Air Drop your essay to two classmates who will use the comment
feature in Word to provide feedback. This is your peer revision/editing process.
Be sure your essay is free of writing crimes.