February 7, 2013--polished piece #5
Step One: Re-Read ALL Your Five-Minute Writings, Select ONE piece that you can
expand to at least a HALF PAGE writing.
Step Two: Annotate Your Selected Five-Minute Writing Using All of the Following:
What do I like?
What are some words that I like?
Is there a sentence or a phrase that I like?
Where can I add sentences to make this a stronger piece?
Are there writing crimes? If so, eliminate them!
Can this piece of writing be developed into a solid essay? Why or why not?
Step Three: Spend 10-15 minutes polishing the five-minute writing you selected.
Step Four: Upload Your Polished Piece to the Polished Piece Folder in Dropbox. Include Your
Name, Date, and Polished Piece #5.
expand to at least a HALF PAGE writing.
Step Two: Annotate Your Selected Five-Minute Writing Using All of the Following:
What do I like?
What are some words that I like?
Is there a sentence or a phrase that I like?
Where can I add sentences to make this a stronger piece?
Are there writing crimes? If so, eliminate them!
Can this piece of writing be developed into a solid essay? Why or why not?
Step Three: Spend 10-15 minutes polishing the five-minute writing you selected.
Step Four: Upload Your Polished Piece to the Polished Piece Folder in Dropbox. Include Your
Name, Date, and Polished Piece #5.